NEW YORK,, the world's Vibram Five Fingers salefirst physician-designed basketball shoe designed to prevent sprained ankles and endorsed by former NY Knick John Starks, becomes available for the first time at top athletic shoe retailers including and this December, and in January. $199.9Vibram Five Fingers Kso9 a pair in men's U.S. sizes 8 - 14.This clinically-tested athletic shoe finally put to rest the decades Vibram Five Fingers KSO Black/Grey/Camo Shoeslong debate about the height of a shoe being a factor in ankle sprains. Dr. Sorin Seigler, Drexel University and Dr. Howard Hillstrom, Hospital for Special Surgery, showed the ankle sprain problem to be the separation of the sole of any shoe, at any height, to be the culprit. Ektio shoes marry the foot to the shoe with double straps built into the wall of the shoe anVibram Five Fingers KSO Grey-Yellow Shoesd anti-rollover bumpers on the lateral sole. The studies showed that the shoes prevent ankle rollover without inhibiting mobility.